Digital Terms

Image Resolution
The detail an image holds. The term applies to Bitmap/Raster digital images and film images. Higher resolution means more image detail.

DPI For Print
300 DPI (dots per inch)

DPI For Web
72 PPI (Pixels per Inch)
* If you want to read up on difference between DPI and PPI (

The smallest dots that make up an image on screen.

BIT = The smallest unit that a computer uses to communicate.

BYTE = 8 Bits

KiloBYTE = 1024 Bytes

MegaBYTE = 1024 Kilobytes

GigaBYTE = 1024 Megabytes

TeraBYTE = 1024 Gigabytes

File Types

JPG cannot contain layers or vector paths, used for Web Images

PNG used for Web images when transparency is needed

GIF used for Web images when transparency is needed

EPS can contain layers or vector paths

PSD (Adobe Photoshop File) can contain layers and vector paths as “smart objects”, generated by Photoshop

TIF can contain layers and vector paths as “smart objects”, generated by Photoshop

AI (Adobe Illustrator File) can contain layers and vector paths

INDD (Adobe In Design File) can contain layers or vector paths, used for page layouts with type

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